Cop Sentenced to Prison For Pulling Drivers Over & Searching Their
"Anal & Scrotal Areas"
A Milwaukee cop Michael Vagnini has been sentenced to 2 years and two months prison for pulling men
over for minor traffic violations and allegedly "conduct[ing] searches of
[their] anal and scrotal areas, often inserting his fingers into their
Vagnini regularly pulled over drivers on a pretense of not
wearing a seatbelt or of having darkly tinted windows and searched them without
a legal reason, according to prosecutors.
Vagnini conducted searches of men's anal and scrotal areas,
often inserting his fingers into their rectums, according to the criminal
complaint. Vagnini acknowledged performing one of the searches, and at least
one suspect said Vagnini planted drugs on him.
State law and police procedures prohibit officers from
conducting body cavity searches. Only medical personnel are allowed to perform
them, and police must first obtain a search warrant.